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Mindfulness is not just sitting still and being quiet. Nope, it has so many faces and can be used in many fields of life. The only limit is your imagination.

We selected a few for this issue and you will learn.

It can help you communicate better and learn not to take things personally, even in high-tension situations as pair programming.

You’ll also learn how to determine if you are really hungry right now or if it is something else and what to do instead of eating.

How hard it can be sometime to keep your practice going and realizing you are not alone with that and what to do.

That your mind has its own life and that you should get that part back too.

And what it has in common with other movements like minimalism and how you can benefit from both.

Walk in and learn something new.


Mindfulness for Meaningful Personal Growth

Tips on mindfulness and other mind topics related to personal growth. Once a week.

Free. No BS. No SPAM. Period.

Improve Your Focus

image and link to improve-your-focus

Find Your WHY

image and link to find your why book

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

image and link to an Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

52 Questions for Self-Improvement

image and link to 52 self-improvement questions

Mindfulness Reminder

image and link to mindful moments reminder mac app

Get Clarity through Journaling

image and link to mindful journal logbook clarity

Focus Your Mind with Sound

image and link to - Ready to reduce stress, eliminate distractions, and live with more intention? Build your own immersive, nature-inspired meditation music.

Relax and Sleep Deep

Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep