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Fatigue Is Real

Fatigue is real and happens to all of us with many things.

It’s an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. However, it’s different from just being tired. It’s more like motivation and energy are sucked out of you.

Social media fatigue or newsletter fatigue are two examples.

People are exhausted by the social media stuff. All those posts of shiny things and lifestyles.

And all the people yelling at us, trying to sell their stuff.

Or all the newsletters you are subscribed to but seldom read. You join eagerly and read every email and at some point, it just is enough, you’re motivation and energy dropped.

Maybe you unsubscribe, maybe not.

Maybe you quit your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or whatever. Maybe you even delete your account.

Whatever it is, essentially your brain shuts down because it is exhausted and needs rest and time t think.

Yes, our mind needs silence and time alone to process things like figuring out what we want.

But how often do we give it time to rest? To think?

Instead many grab their phone when being idle for a few minutes and hope that some of the noise on it fills the idle time.

I noticed this shutdown too. With me writing the newsletter and with you reading it.

So, to give us both a break but not to slack off at the same time, I switched now to once per week email.

Fatigue is real and proper rest is essential. Doesn’t matter if you try to accomplish a goal or just cruise your life.

Turn things off and listen to the voice inside of you.

Mindfulness for Meaningful Personal Growth

Tips on mindfulness and other mind topics related to personal growth. Once a week.

Free. No BS. No SPAM. Period.

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