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Tension Building Up? Do This Exercise

During these times we probably slouch too much on the couch or bed in front of a screen, watching Netflix or YouTube or whatever. Lying still for hours and getting stiff during that time…

Even without that crazes, we often remain in unnatural positions like the famous smartphone-neck for too long. Sitting on a chair and staring at a screen is no better but often unavoidable depending on your job.

I work a lot at the computer, writing, coding, designing, and running this site. And there’s no chance to remove that completely. But I don’t think that is necessary, movement breaks work wonder.

One of my favorite body movements is the Downward-facing Dog from Yoga. Great relief for my neck and shoulder muscles and my brain too. Being upside-down gives a new perspective too. And I can get back to work refreshed.

If you’re unfamiliar with this exercise, read our free guide on the downward facing dog pose and get started.

I am off now and doing my 32 reps.

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