Join Our FREE 5 Days To Being More Present Challenge

The Ultimate Guide To Indoor Fun For You

Some days ago* I sent a mail about what you can do during lockdown when you have to stay at home. Yeah, I got some feedback from my team and they basically told me we can do better. So, that’s where we sat down and compiled a nice list of things you can do at home now.

You can download the list here ONLY for subscribers . It’s totally free. Enjoy your time at home and make the best out of it.

  • or a week or two. I lost my sense of time somehow. I even had to look into the calendar to see what day it is…

Take care.

Mindfulness for Meaningful Personal Growth

Tips on mindfulness and other mind topics related to personal growth. Once a week.

Free. No BS. No SPAM. Period.

Improve Your Focus

image and link to improve-your-focus

Find Your WHY

image and link to find your why book

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

image and link to an Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

52 Questions for Self-Improvement

image and link to 52 self-improvement questions

Mindfulness Reminder

image and link to mindful moments reminder mac app

Get Clarity through Journaling

image and link to mindful journal logbook clarity

Focus Your Mind with Sound

image and link to - Ready to reduce stress, eliminate distractions, and live with more intention? Build your own immersive, nature-inspired meditation music.

Relax and Sleep Deep

Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep