“What brings meaning to your life” sounds like an easy question but sometimes it is not.
Surprisingly or maybe not that surprisingly many people can’t answer this question.
It sparks irritation, frustration, anger, fear, and many other negative connotated emotions. With the result of ignoring these nagging feelings looking for meaning, or outright denial, or better or worse responses.
Because we realize that something is missing in our lives. But we might feel powerless, don’t know what brings meaning, or think too big.
It also makes as rethink our life situation; with all the good and the bad.
It is human. Sometimes, we just want to do like the ostrich and put our head into the sand, and hoping all bad will vanish; magically.
The problem is when we ignore this urge to find meaning, we set ourselves up to more nagging thoughts.
And one thing I can tell you from myself is, those nagging thoughts will get stronger and more disturbing over time.
The answer?
Bring meaning into your life. Even when this means saying goodbye to other aspects of your life. And yes, sometimes this also means saying goodbye to friends and family.
But you don’t need to start with the paralyzing big topics. Start small. Look for the small things that bring meaning into your life.
Maybe it’s taking a pause and admire a butterfly or ladybug. Or helping the elderly lady next door with her groceries. Or teaching kids knitting. Maybe it’s something else for you.
See, there are so many things that bring meaning. They might not be the same for you and me and that’s fine.
Just pick one that comes to mind now and start with it today. Not tomorrow, but today.
And tomorrow, pick the next tiny meaningful thing. Maybe it is the same, maybe not.
Do so for the next 30 days and see for yourself how your life changed.
So, what tiny thing brings meaning to your life?
Feel free to reply.
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