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What Holds You Back?

I believe that most people get into mindfulness because they have at least one bigger problem they want to fix. And mindfulness looked like a viable solution.

As a result, they often fix their problem in an unexpected way and further found something even more valuable. Themselves.

Maybe that could be you, maybe not.

But I’d like you to succeed.

Although that is quite challenging without knowing your situation or what’s stopping you from fixing your problems.

The only thing I know is, that there is a problem. Otherwise, you’d not looked for mindfulness and found the MindfulDevMag.

So, feel free to reply with your show stoppers or dreams. It helps me to serve you better with the goal that you can overcome your problems.

Where do you want to be? What holds you back?

Mindfulness for Meaningful Personal Growth

Tips on mindfulness and other mind topics related to personal growth. Once a week.

Free. No BS. No SPAM. Period.

Improve Your Focus

image and link to improve-your-focus

Find Your WHY

image and link to find your why book

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

image and link to an Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

52 Questions for Self-Improvement

image and link to 52 self-improvement questions

Mindfulness Reminder

image and link to mindful moments reminder mac app

Get Clarity through Journaling

image and link to mindful journal logbook clarity

Focus Your Mind with Sound

image and link to - Ready to reduce stress, eliminate distractions, and live with more intention? Build your own immersive, nature-inspired meditation music.

Relax and Sleep Deep

Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep