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Quick Test To Figure Out Why You Feel Down Lately

Feeling down lately?

But you don’t know why?

This quick test helps you to figure it out and gives you tips on getting up again.

Quick Test

Did you sleep 7-8 hours a night for most of the last 7 days?

Sleep is essential, and we should not skip on that. While we sleep, our brain processes the day and also cleans itself of toxic waste (see)

Did you drink less than 10 drinks of alcohol in the last 7 days?

There is nothing to say against a drink or two. But if you take it too far, you start to feel down, groggy and more. Moreover, alcohol can be addictive, and you don’t want to become an alcoholic.

Did you drink too much caffeine in the last 7 days? (Coffee, black tea, energy drinks, etc.)

Caffeine is a short energy booster, but it comes with downsides too. It blocks the body’s desire to rest for a short time, but then your body is twice as tired, wanting to rest.

Now, if you drink caffeine again, you start a vicious cycle. You’ll only feel productive when you got your dose of caffeine. Otherwise, you feel tired again.

Over time you need to consume more and more caffeine to even get the effect.

Rest. Your body needs rest, and you should give it.

Do you think you’re eating healthy in the last 7 days?

Your body needs proper nutrition to function.

A diet of chips, chocolate bars, ice cream, or fast food is not the right thing to fuel your body the energy it needs.

Once in a while, it is fine but don’t thrive on it.

Have you gone outside in the last 7 days?

Pandemic here, pandemic there. But even without it, many of us don’t go outside enough—especially people working from home.

But we need movement and fresh air. So, enjoy a long walk in nature, or a park or forest near you. Or just stroll through your city.

Have you exercised in the last 7 days?

Move your ass. Doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you like, do it. Movement is king.

Not only will it lift your mood. It will also help you to think fresh and clear again.

Have you meditated in the last 7 days? Or journaled, etc.

Meditation is a great tool to clear your thoughts and calming down. But you don’t need to sit still.

You can do walking meditations or journaling or other kinds of activities that help you to focus and clear your mind.

Have you done anything to actively relax?

This can be taking massages, doing yoga, taking a hot bath, sauna, or anything else that helps you relax.

Take your time and do it on purpose.

Btw watching tv might feel like relaxation, but it mostly is not. Our brain’s on alert mode.

Can’t decide on one?

Go for a walk in the next park.

Have you talked to other people or met with your friends? Preferably IRL

Even the most introverted of us love to talk to somebody. Sure, I can go without days of talking to somebody except my family. But even that has its limit.

Talk or, better yet, meet your friends, and have a great time. None handy at the moment? Talk to your neighbor, cashiers, or anybody else you can have interactions with.

If you’re in a relationship, are you with the right person?

If your relationship sucks, your mood will drop too. But if it is a loveable and stable one, it can lift you up and help through darker times.

Have you helped someone in the last days with something you’re good at?

Believe it or not. It’s humans to help others and feel good about it at the same time. It’s totally refreshing and re-energizing.

Have you made any new experiences in the last month?

Doing the same old from day to day, week to week, and month to month can drag you down. It feels like a rut. Being stuck.

Energize your life and go for new experiences. Go for a hike, visit a new city, test a new restaurant. Whatever it is, pick something new.

Are you working on stuff that’s meaningful to you?

Does your job or the things you work on in your spare time give you enough meaning? Or does it feel like working for the devil?

Does it fulfill you?

Does your current situation allow you to do what you really want to do in life?

If not, think about what you could start to change? What are thing top 3 things holding you back?

How could you remove them?

Did you create anything in the last week?

Does not matter what it is. Maybe you draw comics or paint art, make music, build websites, or whatever.

Let your creativity go wild, and your mood will go up.

Are your working on too many things at the same time?

Pursuing multiple things at the same time makes you feel like nothing moves forward. Often paired with getting frustrated and then feeling down.

Set your focus on one thing for now and work on that. The down feelings will fade.

Do you have the feeling that you accomplished something?

Sometimes we hustle and hustle but have the feeling we got nowhere. Just being tired and running towards a burnout.

Think about what small things you could add that make you feel to have accomplished something? Must not be work-related. It could also be private things you pushed for years in front of you.

All Positive But Still Feeling Down?

If you answered all questions positively and are still feeling down, it might be time to visit a therapist. There is no shame in that. We all need help sometimes.

Find someone near you or use an online service like talkspace or more on this list of online therapy services.

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