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What's Happening?

Sometimes I got too many things I want to tell you about and I can’t get them into the regular newsletter. So, I turn today’s email into a roundup of what’s new with the MindfulDevMag and what will come in the next weeks.

Mindful Eating

We all eat, we all need it to fuel our brain and body. But many of us have problems with their weight, brain fog, or many other things related to how we eat.

To help I published Mindful Eating to the Rescue book including a PDF eating tracker, a new app for mindful eating and a list of mindful eating apps on the internet.

Hub Pages

As I publish more products, articles, apps, and more, the site gets overwhelming. So, I started with Hub pages to guide you better.

The hubs are about:

And more will come in the future as I tackle new topics for you.

Boxset for Unlock Your Mind

I bundled the complete series in a single book, which is available on our site. 12 lessons with exercises to overcome your self-sabotage.

Guided Meditations for Beginners

A new set of 12 meditations with and without background music or sounds to calm down and relax. Available with us, iTunes and more. Link

Lower Price for is an ambient music generator for meditation backgrounds, relaxation, or focus work. I lowered the price for Premium from 5$/mo to 16$/year. Link

Magazine Issue #8

With the latest issue, I changed plans and publish it article by article as a Work-in-progress in public. So far, I’ve covered what to do when you have too many ideas, a quick self-test when you feel down with tips to get up, and what things prevent you from achieving your goals and how to deal with it. Link.

Now a lookout to the next weeks or months.

I’ve too many ideas, so I thought of sharing some with you early in the hope of getting your feedback.

  • A diary app to bring awareness by answering a single question
  • More ambient music for work, meditation and relaxation
  • Guide about the Flow state
  • App for listening to all our audiobooks (including the one of the How to Relax brand)
  • Guide about fear
  • Ability to read our books online without having to download the eBooks
  • Guide about digital detox
  • Guide about success
  • More on productivity and accomplishing goals
  • your idea?

Any response is highly appreciated. Help me in helping you better :-)

Also, what form would you prefer:

It’s using my feedback system and is totally anonymous. It’s never tracking you.

Thank you for reading and stay with me. I appreciate you and wish you a wonderful time :-)

Mindfulness for Meaningful Personal Growth

Tips on mindfulness and other mind topics related to personal growth. Once a week.

Free. No BS. No SPAM. Period.

Improve Your Focus

image and link to improve-your-focus

Find Your WHY

image and link to find your why book

Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

image and link to an Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

52 Questions for Self-Improvement

image and link to 52 self-improvement questions

Mindfulness Reminder

image and link to mindful moments reminder mac app

Get Clarity through Journaling

image and link to mindful journal logbook clarity

Focus Your Mind with Sound

image and link to - Ready to reduce stress, eliminate distractions, and live with more intention? Build your own immersive, nature-inspired meditation music.

Relax and Sleep Deep

Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep